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Earth Mother, teach me about love?

Earth Mother talks with the Weaver of Rainbows

“Earth Mother?”
“Yes, Rainbow Weaver—“

“Teach me about love?”

Love is the smell of jasmine
At first light on the warm
Moist breeze of Summer Solstice

Love is the way Mount St. Helens
Rumbles, dances, and then
Is suddenly silent
In the cool morning stillness
It is the great plume of
Ash and steam that love
Propels towards the stars

Love is the beauty of this moment
Seeing brightness in your eyes

Love is choice
Love is choosing to see clearly
Unafraid and face to face
Nose to nose and eye to eye

Love is knowing that
We choose to love and also
What we choose to love

Love is the sunlight
Warming the cool wet sand
Under your bare feet

Love is in the knowing
Heart of every bumble bee
Humming bird and butterfly
That only has eyes for
Just the right flower

The bright silver light
Bouncing off the deep still waters
Safely guiding you home
This too, is love

Bite into that sweet
Crisp, first apple that
Begins the Autumn harvest
With juice so sweet and wet
And you will know love

Love is choice
Love is what you value

Love is knowing how
Pennies per cubic yard
Can be saved by
Dumping toxic waste into
The deep ocean at night
Thinking no one will know

Love is feeling noble
About finding a cure for
The cancer caused
By the toxic waste
In the water we all drink

Love is the sound of longing
Mournful, wailing cries
From a baby elephant
Watching, helpless and alone
His mother stumbles and falls motionless
Great is the crashing silent finality
Resounding off the steaming savannah floor

Love are the tears in his eyes
Her brains and bone and blood
On his tiny baby trunk and gentle flowing ears

The rest of the herd can
Only watch as his mother
Ancient Matron of her clan
Now systematically “harvested”
Her butchered body parts
Auctioned to the highest bidder
In the death markets of all “civilized” nations

Love is the sound of ink
Pen scratching across gilded paper
“$ 10,000 then?” says the hunter— “bout do-it” replies the guide
Love is “tourist” dollars keeping the elephant population “alive”

Love is making sure
Everything has the right price

Love is the price you
Let others put on your head

What price do you pay
When that which is made
So freely abundant to you
Is allowed to be bought and sold?

Love is choice
Love is seeing clearly

“Look into my eyes Rainbow weaver
Tell me, what do you feel and
What do you see?”

“I feel your tears on my cheek, Earth Mother
In your eyes I can see only Love”

Thank-you Earth Mother
You are welcome, Rainbow Weaver

Copyright © 2005 William A. York. All rights reserved.


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