~ An Open Door ~
So many years
Intensity gripped my heart
From birth to now
Be still
Not seen as if
Never approaching
As common as grass
Be still
Before me wide
Open as though
Was I expected?
Be still
Certainly not
What I expected
Shivering, trembling awe
Be still
Not barred by it
Backwards known to well
Freely I step through
Breathing in but
Not enough, winded
Nothing to stand on
Be Calm
All is released
Fallen away into
Loving past. Darkness only
Be Calm
All reference to
Any former vanishes
Tentatively, floating nothingness
Nothing, only everything
Empty, yet full
Opened fully to the embrace
Be light
Light, only light
Flowing outward loving
The light embrace
Be light
Watching light and darkness
Lovingly, gently,dancing
Together, merging in me
En-light-ness, En-dark-ness
Fully becoming
Not surrounding not
Filling. Both and neither
Be fearless
Solid fully standing
On sacred no-ground
Moment, no passing, moment
Be fearless
I am lifted no
I lift myself
Flying past seeming knowledge
Knowing is now
Devoid of knowledge
Separation never was
Be safe
Always at hand
Living unseen in
Each forgotten breath
Be safe
Sunrise, no, not on
The distant shore. Sunrise
The heart-breath flows
Immense and powerful
Weighted and heavy
Holds me, cannot move
Be Peace
Seen clearly now
Danger never was
Defense and attack only choices
Be Peace
Huge gentleness becoming
Free and flowing harmless
Stillness, calmness only safety
Through the open
Doorway traveled many
To where it begins
Be Love
Becoming free only
To voice love, in total surrender
Releases others to become love
Be Love
Seeing only love instead
Of form no longer distanced
You are me, I am you
Be Love
Peace through the doorway
Of letting go unclenches
The heart knowing only love
Love is without
Need and returns as
You are filled, filling another
Oh, love!
So many years
Intensity gripped my heart
From birth to now
Be still
Not seen as if
Never approaching
As common as grass
Be still
Before me wide
Open as though
Was I expected?
Be still
Certainly not
What I expected
Shivering, trembling awe
Be still
Not barred by it
Backwards known to well
Freely I step through
Breathing in but
Not enough, winded
Nothing to stand on
Be Calm
All is released
Fallen away into
Loving past. Darkness only
Be Calm
All reference to
Any former vanishes
Tentatively, floating nothingness
Nothing, only everything
Empty, yet full
Opened fully to the embrace
Be light
Light, only light
Flowing outward loving
The light embrace
Be light
Watching light and darkness
Lovingly, gently,dancing
Together, merging in me
En-light-ness, En-dark-ness
Fully becoming
Not surrounding not
Filling. Both and neither
Be fearless
Solid fully standing
On sacred no-ground
Moment, no passing, moment
Be fearless
I am lifted no
I lift myself
Flying past seeming knowledge
Knowing is now
Devoid of knowledge
Separation never was
Be safe
Always at hand
Living unseen in
Each forgotten breath
Be safe
Sunrise, no, not on
The distant shore. Sunrise
The heart-breath flows
Immense and powerful
Weighted and heavy
Holds me, cannot move
Be Peace
Seen clearly now
Danger never was
Defense and attack only choices
Be Peace
Huge gentleness becoming
Free and flowing harmless
Stillness, calmness only safety
Through the open
Doorway traveled many
To where it begins
Be Love
Becoming free only
To voice love, in total surrender
Releases others to become love
Be Love
Seeing only love instead
Of form no longer distanced
You are me, I am you
Be Love
Peace through the doorway
Of letting go unclenches
The heart knowing only love
Love is without
Need and returns as
You are filled, filling another
Oh, love!